Thursday, November 1, 2012

Edmonton Calligraphic Society WinterTreasures Parrrty!

Rrrr ye comin to rrr winter treasures parrrty?
tickets @ Thurs Nov1 meeting!
only $10 for our annual winter potluck!
Admiral Gertie (Wendy G) is the author of our tickets while I had a funtime designing and lettering them.  Our social committee trimmed the edges with decorative scissors, painted them with walnut ink, marked the X with a 1/4"brush dipped in gold liquid acrylic paint, then rolled & wrapped them with string, the edges of which they also dipped in walnut ink.

check us out at for info
as well as for beautiful workshop photos of instructor and student samples!!
We Twitter@ #EdmCalligraphy.
If you're interested in calligraphy and live in the Edmonton area we meet the first Thursday of the month on the South side, except for December and June when we hold our Socials, and we don't meet in July or August.

i have to admit it's been a while since i've lettered something of this length, so i was quite pleased with myself to get through it the first time without any major mistakes! if i were to do it a 2nd time, the December 6 line in the blackletter style could be written slightly higher, and all the pointed pen lettering could definitely be improved with practice, but i figure pirates probably didn't posess the best penmanship skills!!!
i'll be at the parrrty as Cap'n Fancy Buttscar!!!
(suitably named i must say)
and ye can bet i'll be lookin t' rob me some loot; especially that gold & glittery kind, in the form of handmade carrrds!

ECS on Twitter @ EdmCalligraphy

previous Twitter sample:

1 comment:

Haddock said...

Some lovely writinge there.
It must be really time consuming to write one page.